Friday, August 27, 2010

Idea: Million Votes for Planet Earth.
1) 1,000,000 Emails.
2) Vote for top Environmentalists in their City, State, USA and World
3) Vote for Top Environmental Project in their City, State, USA and World
4) Winner becomes Green President, Runner Up Becomes Vice President
5) Winners in top 12 Categories (Including Home, School, Solar, Wind, Auto, Health become Cabinet Members)
6) Project 100,000 Votes in the first year.
7) Receive endorsement from Set America Free, Electric Auto Association.
8) Every 100,000 Votes Receives a Car Drawing. Ask Tesla Auto, Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf
9) Survey with Quia?
10) Results of Survey will be used for National Campaign to promote awareness of the Top Environmentalists and Top Environmental Projects in the USA.

Please see Idea for Survey at

Or send an email with your votes for the top Environmentalist and Environmental Project in your city, state, nation and world.